
The Year of Walter Ting

by: Michael Bradford ((Inspired by a true story.)) Across the Holidays continues as we meet a pair of young…

A Soldier’s Goodbye

Across the Margin is proud to present Melanie’s McConathy’s “A Soldier’s Goodbye”… by:by: Melanie McConathy When I leave, I…

Across the Seasons — Winter

Photograph by: Christopher Prosser and Shaun Schroth  / Words by: Genevieve Palmieri Across the Margin, in coordination with Washington…

Woman Wild

by: Melanie McConathy A beautiful poetic guest contribution…… I am so much stronger than your shallow eyes can see…

An Accidental Poetess

by: Genevieve Palmieri For a long time, I was afraid of poetry. It seemed to be saddled with a…