Welcome To The Party Pal — The 10 Best Television Shows of 2024

Welcome To The Party Pal celebrates another year of small screen brilliance, sharing its picks for the best television shows of 2024…

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In this episode of Welcome To The Party Pal hosts Michael Shields and Ryan O’ Connell share their choices for the best television shows of 2024. Join in as they take you to feudal Japan, the coast of Italy in the 1960s, the gritty streets of Gotham amid a burgeoning gang war, to Northern Ireland during The Troubles, and beyond — in a celebration of the television shows that entertained and enlivened our lives in 2024.

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Ryan O’Connell is a writer, event professional, and one-time musician from the great state of Maine who currently resides in New Jersey. He has contributed work to UPROXX, Heavy, and BroBible. He also maintains his own blog Giddy Up America. Ryan has watched The Wire all the way through five times and as a result, will make reference to it on a near-regular basis.

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