by: Paul Gutkowski and Mark Jared Smith
The Paulcast returns with their first in-studio guest, Dan Hartley…
The PaulCast starring Mark Jared “Big Business” Smith returns with an episode entitled “Love & Basketball,” and this time hosts Paul and Mark bring back-up in the form of Dan Hartley. Dan is a talented improviser, actor, and writer and according to Paul, “Dan looks like Tom Cruise but is way taller and has exponentially more heart.” Dan was dead set on forever being hailed as the first in-studio guest on The Paulcast, a dream which came true during this enlightening seventy minute podcast.
In this third installment of The Paulcast, which commences with a mirthful miscommunication involving Buffalo Wild Wings, Paul and Mark waste little time in cutting to the core of who exactly Dan Hartley is. Dan, never renowned for his ability to make a satisfying first impression, expounds upon the aftereffects of an 18-hour blackout, why exactly he left New York on a whim, and even delves deeply into the only thing he asked Paul and Mark not to bring up, his competence on the basketball court.
In true Paulcast fashion, no stone is left unturned, and within the refuge of “Love & Basketball” we are introduced to the possible existence of Paul’s “drug cabin,” let on to the strangest place the trio has ever pleasured themselves, discover that Mark was once down with the G.O.D., and even learn a pragmatic use of “Chinatown Snow.” So dig in, The Paulcast is back, and more uninhibited than ever ((The introductory music used for “Love & Basketball” is Ween’s “Gabrielle” and was inspired by an email to [email protected] from Jeremy Hager. The Chordettes’ “Lollipop” closes the episode out.)).