
Lungs & Guns

by: Michael Shields 3D printing is on the verge of changing the world, but the verdict is still out…


by: Michael Shields A brief capsulation of a problem that must be confronted before it is too late.  GMO’s 101………

Fed Up

Fed Up

by: Heather Fawn The rape and murder of a 23 year old woman in India heavies our hearts and…

All I Want For Christmas

Across the Margin, to conclude our 12 days of holiday stories lovingly termed ‘Across the Holidays’, offers a few…


by: Michael Shields A breath of fresh air that captivated a nation….. The word man-crush is a word that…

Shocked and Awed

by: Michael Shields Patriotism at a cost for American soldiers…. Filmmakers have a unique power.  It is the power…

Change the Dream

by: Michael Shields Challenging the American Dream with the aid of the Buell Hypothesis…. “It’s called the American dream…