A Love Poem as Written by

by: J Bradley

A whimsical pairing of love poems, each one inspired by a timeless fairy tale…

A Love Poem As Written by: The Terminator

When you cannot find the right words,
trust in fear. Trust in a looming threat.

Trust in close calls and flesh wounds.
Trust fire, vacant hotel rooms.

Do not treat your body, her body
as a shield, as currency.

Show her how each moment
you’re together is a victory.

A Love Poem As Written by: The Brothers Grimm

A tower, a set of wolf’s teeth,

a spindle, a glass slipper,

an apple, a glass coffin:

ignore our warnings. Ignore

love as cautionary tale,

how we never show fights

over laundry or budgets.

To save your love,

slay the monster of you.


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