The Finale of Season 2 of ATM STORYTELLERS features a gripping work of fiction that ponders: What would you give up to have it all? “Big Sky” by Douglas Grant, Chris Thompson, and Michael Shields…

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We invite you to delve into ATM STORYTELLERS, a storytelling adventure brought to you by Across The Margin and ATM Media. In this podcast, you will hear stories that were — or will be — published at Across The Margin…read by the authors themselves. This podcast belongs to the writers and authors who bless our pages with their cunning wordplay and meticulously crafted stories.

In this Finale of Season 2, we feature a story co-written by members of the Across The Margin team. It is a tale that stretches over the course of a summer, told in three parts. A story, entitled “Big Sky,” that ponders: what would you give up to have it all? Your job? Your family? A story explores the lengths to which we go. First you will hear from Douglas Grant, followed by Chris Thompson, and then Michael Shields. 

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